Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My first post.

Welcome to my blog.

I started reading blogs semi-religiously about a year ago, giving my friends all the more reason to think I'm weird. (But hey, if you're reading this I guess you're in the same boat.) Since then, I've really wanted to have my own blog, but didn't know if I had what it took. After all, my life isn't really awesome, and I don't have anything to set me apart from anyone else enough to actually get a blog following. Recently, though, I decided that if I was ever going to be a blogger, I would have to start somewhere. The beginnings of blogs always suck (if you don't believe me just go look at the very first post of your favorite blogger, if they haven't already deleted it out of shame), so I might as well have a sub-par blog while I'm still young so that someday I can have some blogging dignity.

So this is it. It probably will suck for a few months, maybe longer, but bare with me as I mature into a talented blog-writer (hopefully). You will find that I will have a wide range of content, as I am still unsure what I want my blog to really be about. If random life stories, theological debates, and sometimes a few good laughs interest you, you might enjoy this. For now, though, I can be pretty sure that whoever is reading this is a friend or family member, in which case they already know many of my life stories and stances on theological debates.

Why do I have a picture of really dirty feet on my blog?

That picture was taken at one of my prouder moments in life, after running around in a coal pit when I was visiting my sister in Beijing. I decided to capture the moment on a speed bump. As far as the significance of that picture in relation to this blog, there is probably none at all.

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