Saturday, February 12, 2011

Almost Dying via Bull

This was one of the scariest things I've ever done in my whole life. It was absolutely terrifying. It took place in California, when I spent half my summer there in after freshman year. This is the account of the experience the day it happened (if you're friends with me on Facebook you may have already read this):

Today Karina and I went on an adventure. We previously found an area in Simi Valley (you don’t get to know where ‘cause its ours) that is untouched by the evil hand of the world. Standing on a cliff, you can see mountainous terrain and rolling hills seemingly empty and void. Karina and I decided that we were going to embark on a journey across this mysterious land. This morning, we came prepared to take a hike through unmapped territory. Unfortunately, we first had to cross through barbed wire (that should have been our first warning) and pass a “No trespassing” sign. Determined to have an unforgettable adventure, we crossed the wire nonchalantly and continued on our hike. The first thing we noticed was the many holes in the ground where snakes dwell and are ready at any moment to come rattling our way. Though we were in fear of the creatures, we mustered up the courage to make our way to the exciting unknown we saw in the distance. Soon after we passed the fence, we discovered that neither of us had any idea what poison plants looked like. Meanwhile, our legs were collecting scratches and hopefully not diseases. Still, we were determined to see the beauty of the mysterious valley that awaited us. We made our way down the steep incline leading into a dried up stream. We followed that for a little while and noticed face-sized (poop, crap, excrement, poo-poo, feces, bodily waste, undigested food, bile pigments). At first, I thought it was some kind of strange plant that happened to look gross and poop-like. I poked it with a stick and it was hard and leathery. It was unfamiliar, but it became the reality of the substance became clear once we encountered it often and in large quantities. Thinking nothing of it, except that it was gross, we persisted. We climbed up a hill, and found on the way a huge patch of wild cacti. It was the first time we had seen such a plant growing in the wild. We then found a small path. Apparently, we were not the only ones that discovered the land behind the fence. Following the path, I intersected a spider web. I thought that the giant black thing floating in the path was a bee, and therefore kept walking. But after I felt sticky stuff and saw a big, gross, creepy creature crawling on my leg, I realized what I had done. I walked through the web of a possible poisonous spider.
Back at the beginning, we saw a huge, beautiful tree between two large hills toward the center of the giant valley. Soon, we encountered that very tree. Near the tree, we found a larger path. It looked like a vehicle of some sort (such as an ATV or tractor) had made and used this. But, the tracks on the path evidenced that an ATV was not the last thing to make use of that trail. Hoof-like imprints on the soft sand should have indicated, along with the excrement, that something else was at hand. We progressed, still, along the trail. By this time, we figured that this place was not so remote as we thought. We concluded that this valley was only fenced off on one side, and that people were able to come from the other end, where cliffs and dangerous slopes were not involved.
From the top, we could only see that one lonely tree, but soon we came across a cluster of big, shade-providing trees. This small forest was intriguing. So, we moved toward the trees, observing their malicious beckon for us to join them. Their twisted branches and dark surroundings were strangely inviting. Stooping under the branches, I almost walked into another spider web that Karina saved me from. Realizing that those trees could not give us shade without also giving us spider bites, we quickly lost desire to stay. Nearby, there was another small tree. This tree, soon became the center of our attention. Karina claimed (for the fifth time) that she heard noises. Just trying to entertain her suspicion enough to continue, I quieted down and listened to what sounded like the simple rustling of the branches due to wind. After listening impatiently for a few seconds, I assured her that it was just the wind in the trees, and we could safely walk away. However, the noise grew louder, until even I was sure that the wind had nothing to do with these mysterious stirrings. It sounded as if a monkey were falling out of the tree. Karina quickly implored me to leave the location. As we turned to walk away, I said I’m sure it was just a bird in the branches. But no sooner than I spoke, did the noise increase to a loud and terrifying rustle. This time, it was clear that it was not the tree that was making the noise, nor was it a bird and most definitely not the wind. The sound was coming from tall bushes farther, even, than the tree. I turned my head to see where the noise was coming from. I saw, emerging from the bushes, a black figure. I thought, at first, that it was a person. But a split second later, I realized that no person was that big. All in a glimpse, it became clear that there was a horse-sized black animal walking on all fours. It looked like it had hooves, able to match the prints we saw earlier. The size could definitely accommodate for the enormous crap we had already seen. In awe, I whispered in desperation to Karina about the sight I saw. Her jaw dropped, and together we totally freaked out! Immediately, we turned around and started frantically walking along the path we came from. This moment was one of few moments one has in their life where they are convinced that there is a pretty good possibility that they could die, or be seriously injured. Coming to the realization of the chances that we could make the night news, we were in shock. Our fear for perhaps a second got the best of us. Walking in terror along the path we had no idea what to do. That path was not a road less traveled, as evidenced by tracks and feces. There was nothing keeping that creature (by this time we were sure it was some kind of bull and we are both still convinced of this) from running up that familiar path and killing us both. Terrified and confused, we offered up a prayer asking God for protection. Our fear then drove us on to a fast walk, retracing our steps, constantly hoping that there were not more waiting for us around the next bend. On many occasions we stopped to listen, thinking that we heard the trampling of the huge animal.
Karina and I, in fear of the impending doom ready at any time to overtake us, we hastily made our way back. It took us forty-five minutes to get to the point where we saw the bull. It took us fifteen to get back. Spiders and snakes took no toll on us now. We were not cautious due to prickly plants or pokey cacti, we had no fear of poison oak, our only concern was making it back to the fence without any more encounters with things bigger than ourselves. Finally, we made it up the slope where our journey started. Through the ditch which we once thought was so big and scary, across the side of the steep hill where we first noticed that our legs were being ripped apart. Through the fence, and up the last stretch of the slope. We were finally back to the top. Looking back at the valley from the point where we began, we were in awe of the journey we just made. We now safely reminisced about our experience. Everything looked so much smaller. From where we stood there was no sense of what was over that first hill. No one would know, but past that fence, across that stretch of plant-infested rolling hills, was a huge animal. In Simi Valley, where everything is safe and sound, is at least one wild bull. We almost died today.

(By the time we crossed the fence we realized neither of us had phones, or a camera. I apologize that there are no pictures involved. I know it would be easier to believe if you could see it. Have a little faith.)

(Also, I am not proud of the stupidity of this story. I would not advise ever embarking on such an adventure as this.) 

This is the best picture I could find on Google.

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