Friday, March 22, 2013

Four Months.

Four months ago I started dating an incredible guy. 
A guy that has made everything more beautiful, although sometimes more complicated.
I've had to learn a lot these four months.
I've had to learn how to communicate over 1725 miles.
I've had to learn how to edit photos better.
I've had to learn how to be flexible, and how to be firm.
I've had to learn how to say what I'm thinking, but not always. 
I've had to learn how to concisely explain where my boyfriend is from (usually by leaving out the Singapore/ Atlanta/ Florida part if I can help it).
I've had to learn lots of Chinese words. 
I've had to learn how to remember how handsome my boyfriend is when all I can see is fifty pixels on my screen.
I've had to learn how to get homework done when all I want to do is stare at his handsome face over Skype.
I've had to learn to get better at timing videos over Skype (mostly Pokemon). 

I've had to learn how to have better lighting over Skype.
I've had to learn a lot about Skype.
Actually, I've had to learn a lot about computers in general.

He's taught me an awful lot, and I'm so grateful for the things I've learned. It's been a crazy four months, and I hope for many more. 

Abnormality is pretty normal for us. I guess I never really think about how weird our relationship really is. We've seen each other a grand total of 20 days since dating. So we're 20 for 120 days. That's a pretty good ratio for us. Better than expected, at least. 

We've never seen each other in the same place twice.





West Palm Beach

Next time I see my lovely man it will be in Chicago. After that we have a repeat of Minnesota. But then we're back to our exploring. I love my adventuring boyfriend. We're definitely a strange couple, but I love it. 
Happy four months, dear! 

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